Holmes Building Three Units

Project Details
Cambirdge, MA
Malcom A Blier Architects
6 Story Apartment Building
Multi-unit Residential Renovation Meets the Integrity of the Building and Design
With our expertise in a variety of multi-unit and community housing projects, this project allowed us to blend micro-unit renovations with our larger, more luxurious space experience.
Confident in the quality of our work, our repeat client knew we were the right fit for the Holmes Building remodel to work within a short timeline while honoring the budget and operational requirements seamlessly.
Individual one- and two-bedroom units were demoed and completely refurbished to showcase a new kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom space with sustainable building concepts used throughout the project. The units include a wood base seen throughout and are adorned with impressive lighting features.
As a Hunneman partner, we are also the lead contractor for the common areas throughout the building.